Friday 5 July 2013

Ramadan-A Month of Blessings

Ramadan is the greatest religious observance in islam. Fasting is the one of the five pillar of islam. Ramadan is the holy Month for the muslims. It is divided into three parts, first ten days are mercy of Allah. the next ten days are for forgiveness from Allah., the rest of ten days are forgiveness from fire. In Ramadan Holy Quran was completed. Fasting is the obligatory on all Muslims.  Zakat is given to the poors and needy peoples.
The Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) said " When Ramadan comes, the gates of heaven are opened, the gates of Hell are Closed, and the devils are Chained,"
In Ramadan Muslims take a meal in Sehar. and after sunset in the time of Magrib the Muslims do the Iftar. In the last Ten days of Ramadan in the odd nights the night come Laylat-al-Qadar also known as the night of blessings. After the Holy month ends the Muslims celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr., also called the reward of the Ramadan.

The Messenger of ALLAH said: " oh people!  A great month is coming over you; a month of blessing, a month which one night better than a thousand months, a month in which Holy Quran was Revealed in the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH). This month of Ramadan teaches us to be kind and patient towards others. The basic propose of this month is self-control and feels the hunger of poor peoples who spend their lives like this in whole year. In this month of bleesings Shaytan is put behind bars and Allah send his mercy to the peoples. in this month of Ramadan Nimaz e Tarawih is also performed in night. This prayer is Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad(PBUH), men go to the Mosque to perform this prayer, in short this month reward from our Almighty ALLAH.

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