Tuesday 2 July 2013

ALLAH (swt)

My brothers , sisters and friends, whether in the earth or skies, men or jin all of these creation of ALLAH(swt), ALLAH is their sole creator. ALLAH knows everything even the situation tongue does not move ant neither does the ear herar, ALLAH says i am aware of that too. So , ALLAH whose knowledge is so perfect that He listens to the external as well as the internal, the soft and loud.
"And not a leaf falls but He knows it"  Al-Ana'am59
Allah is the first without beginning, and the last without end. ALLAH is the most deserving of worship and remembered. He is the closer than our souls. He is the most sincere with humans. Every thing happened in this universe by ALLAH's ordered. ALLAH gives us two ways one is right path that straight leads to ALLAH while other way is the way of evil that throw us on fire. So brother and sisters it is our sole responsibility to obey ALLAH in every part of our lives, then we will success every path of our life.

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