
Friday 12 July 2013



The Sunnats of Hajj are :- (1) Tawaf-uQudum (i.e. the circumambulation of the Holy Ka'ba on entry into Mecca) for those pilgrims who come from beyond the Mawaqit and are Afaqi and who performed the Hajj by the method of Ifrad or Qiran ; (2) Doing Ramal in Tawaf-i-Qudum, or if not done in this Tawaf, then in Tawaf-i-Ziyarat or Tawaf-i-Wida' ; (3) The delivery of three Khutbas (sermons) by the Imam- on the 10th Zilhij in Mecca ; on the 9th in Masjid Namra before the combining of the prayers (Jama' bain-us-salatain) ; and on the 11th in Mina; (4) Spending the night of the 9th in Mina ; (5) Leaving Mina after sun-rise on the 9th for Arafat ; (6) Leaving Arafat after the departure of the Imam ; (7) Staying the night at Muzdalifa on return from Arafat ; (8) Taking a bath in Arafat ; (9) Spending the nights at Mina during the halt at that place ; (10) Staying for however short a time it may be at Muhassab while returning to Mecca from Mina. There is great spiritual reward (sawab) in the performance of the foregoing Sunnats ; but if any of these cannot be performed, there in so penalty ; but it is reprehensible to ignore these Sunnats deliberately.

Najasat Ghaleezah

A part from excreta or the waste discharged from the animal body, e.g. faeces, stools, and urine, animal dung, and bird droppings, which are regarded as filth by all, the other impurities called Najasat Ghaleezah recognized by Islam are semen, seminal discharges, flowing blood, human as well as animal, pus, swine (everything pertaining to it - meat, blood, bone, skin, urine, etc.,) and wine, which are included in the definition of Najasat Ghaleezah. If the smallest quantity of Najasat Ghaleezah is put, or falls, in water,or any article of food or drink, the whole of it is polluted and becomes unclean and unfit for us by a Muslim. If some Najasat Ghaleezah falls on one's clothes, the same must be removed and the spot where it had fallen must be washed three times, squeezing the cloth each time. Similarly, if some Najasat Ghaleezah falls on some carpet, durry e.t.c., it should be removed and the portion on which it had fallen should be washed three times. There are detailed rules for cleansing wells and purifying the water if some Najasat Ghaleezah falls into a well, or some human being or some animal falls into a well and dies. While dog is not specifically included in the definition of Najasat Ghaleezah, dog is considered unclean and cannot be taken into a mosque. (Dog's meat is of course as unlawful as pork).

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